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Opuntia monacantha maverick- Prickly pear- branching cactus

Opuntia monacantha maverick- Prickly pear- branching cactus

These cacti are about 4-5 inches tall in a three inch pot
Opuntia monacantha maverick 
Prickly pear
The stem and branches are flattened like most prickly pear varieties. Growing smaller with multiple branches; this is an easily maintained in a container forming a nice compact shrubby form. Not a forest hardy cacti: native to one 10. Growing best in full sun or a bright window displaying beautiful sunset orange blooms.
These cacti are shipped out in the pot they are in for you.
The cacti in the picture are the plants we are shipping out 
We practice all of our packing with earth friendly tactics, 
and recycled pots.
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