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Mytillocactus geonetrizans- blue candle cactus- column cactus

Mytillocactus geonetrizans- blue candle cactus- column cactus

These cactus stand about 5-6 inches tall in a three inch terra-cotta pot

Mytillocactus geonetrizans- 
blue candle cactus
Blueberry cactus
Bilberry cactus
Native to central and northern Mexico rated for zones 9a to 11b. A shrubby candelabra like structure growing roughly 20’ tall in the right conditions. This beautiful cactus is easily manageable in a container displaying numerous creamy white blooms along the stem, producing an edible dark purple berry resembling a whortleberry. Prefer full sun to part shade.

These cacti are shipped out in the pot they are in for you.
The cacti in the picture are the plants we are shipping out 
We practice all of our packing with earth friendly tactics, 
and recycled pots.
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